Thursday, October 27, 2016

miserable life of mine

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIII *wave hand gaya ratu diva divana*

Lectures are back to back, sigh. The first internal course assessment is in 2 weeks time, therefore I'm dying lolol. Walau bagaimanapun gais, exam ke weather angin sejuk yang buat rasa macam badan boleh melayang (acah keding je padahal *mengucap sambil pegang tasbih*) cannot stop me from doing embarrassing things!!!

To some extent I wonder should I make like a journal or a book- 1000 ways how syaheera embarrassed herself in public. Mesti best seller seh!! Ye lah ayah je dah beli 100,000 copies tu tak kira mak pak sedara mesti total another 100,000 plus aku beli sendiri nak bagi anak cucu cicit baca ha kau tgk how you guys punya nenek muka pure tembok lels

 Staying here, I eat a lot. Like A LOOOOT. But somehow I need to save some money, remember iolls bukan self-sponsored student ke so duit mara bagi ni perlu dicatu untuk kesenangan masa hadapan untuk "kita enjoy". Bersengkek-sengkek dahulu, berhuha-huha kemudian. But don't worry guys, my perut is my priority all the time. Orang lain makan roti, iolls hari hari makan nasi hahahahah so the hope "kurus lah syaheera pasni" boleh save in pdf file and delete terus even yg dlm recycle bin sekian.

Last two days, masuk lecture hall macam malap semacam. Dapat pulak lecturer with romantic voice gitu lol slow naww so the whole class stayed total silent to hear what the lecturer said. Like total silent yang kau jot down notes pun kita boleh dengar friction pen atas kertas wah gitu iolls ber-physics. SUDDENLY WITHOUT ANY WARNING AND SALAM !!!!

I heard a suuuuuper duper loooooooooooo(oooo)ng vibrate yang nonstop tau in the middle of silence. No not mah phone but HAHAHAHHA PERUT AKU BUNYI HAHAHAHA malu siot idk where to hide my face ady iolls just tawakkal no one hear ya Allah tidurkan satu kelas ini buat seketika amin ya rabbal alamin *amik balik tasbih*

tapi I knew it was too late when my classmate hold my hand, and nod her head with I-feel-you-mate sympathy face and ended up giggling like hell hahahahahah 

AKU DAH SARAPAN KOT dan kenyang dah, tak rasa lapar pun like kau sabar jap perut after the class habis I will feed you, cereal 2 mangkuk kan tadi apa lagi kau naaaaak *asah parang*

therefore I realized after this bila perut aku buat bunyi lagi aku nak pura-pura check phone ala ala gaya vibrate satu meja ni disebabkan notification whatsapp aku masuk bertubi-tubi tak on whatsapp 2 hari sampai non-stop dia vibrate lolol 

yas this is the all-time hungry gal

- just googled "why my stomach make sounds" and i'm normal (peace)

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