Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Guess what last week mimpi ibu ayah and uda datang london. For a person like me who hardly and barely remember my own dream (i forgot 19 out of 20 dreams i swear), that dream was touching, heartbreaking and funny at the same time *idk what kind of emoji suits best so lets pretend theres emoji here*

A day before mimpi tu ada video call ibu ayah and cakap pasal datang london pot pet pot pet and then thats it lah kan tak fikir banyak pun. And aku tahu uda mcm mana pun takleh dtg london sbb ibu warning dia kena simpan cuti kerja dia for god knows what reason lets stay within the family (bit silly one i'd say lmao). 

Lepastuuuu, malam esoknya aku mimpi ibu, ayah and uda datang. Datang yang tak bagitahu tiba-tiba dieorang "SURPRISEEEE" mcm eric leong casa impian tu. And the dream was tooooo realistic idk why the feels tu mcm real gilaaa sebab aku betul betul terkejut, aku tanya banyak kali "ASAL TAK BAGITAHU?!" "BILA SAMPAI?" "BUKAN EERA BARU CALL KE?" (yeah even dalam mimpi pun aku tahu aku baru call bunyi mcm real kan)

Image result for surprised gif

Ok that's the touching part my family came to london to surprise me (mimpi je pun touching tau #drama)

And then comes the funny one, selalu nya kalau dalam movie or reality kan kalau dia nak check ni mimpi ke betul dia akan cubit or tampar diri dia sendiri kan? So kalau sakit tu maksudnya real lah! Aku selalu fikir dah kau terfikir nak tampar tu sah sah lah bukan mimpi, kalau mimpi kau tak ingat dah nak tampar ke apa. 

Silap besaaaar, aku punya tak percaya and terkejut dalam mimpi tu aku boleh terfikir untuk tampar diri sendiri sbb nak check. How. on. earth. I. manage. to. think. critically. while. dreaming #YasICaaaaaan Not once, not twice tapi berkali kali hahahaha so basically im so dramatic in real life and in dreams as well 

Image result for self slapping gif

But it was so heartbreaking bila aku tak rasa sakit........... So by that time I knew, ohhhh ni mimpi je...... then i was so emotional lepastu aku duk lah tampar muka aku banyak kali sampai nak rasa sakit tu but then betul betul tak sakit hahahah sedih do, i look so pathetic even in my dream omg be realistic do syaheera tajuddin sekali sudah lah accept it was just a dream duhhhhh *roll eyes* 

So that was my first time to realize in a dream that it was just a dream

And probably one of the reasons aku susah betul nak ingat mimpi maybe sbb aku tidur mati mcm kayu balak or ikan paus terdampar OR it is the best for me at least i wont feel sad if it is a heartbreaking dream hahaha ok stop drama syadin!

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