Unlike other ppl uni and course, course aku punya exam term macam pelik sikit. Selaaaalu lain dengan orang lain, idk why. Most ppl in the uk just finished their last paper, and there is me finished one month ago and now waiting for my result. And guess whaaaaaaat?!

and gues whaaaaat?!
while other people gonna post their first day raya dengan complete lauk raya esp sepupu sepapat they all definitely post last iftar malam raya makan ramai ramai hidang atas lantai, there will be me crying at the corner of my bed eating hashbrown from iceland. Nothing can be worse than finding out I have clinic on pagi raya 😱😱💨
i'm not going to watch any iklan raya (but 'accidentally' watch TNB one since ppl said it's nice, apa yang best nya i cannot brain)
I think there is something wrong with my self-control. Punyalah bulan yang mulia ni lah kena menahan nafsu, tapi ni makin membuak buak. Dah tak boleh recycle makanan untuk buka puasa, kalau recycle dia rasa mcm taknak buka pulak hahah. Pantang tengok video makanan terus buat, bulan ni je taktahu dah berapa kali duk masak species pertama-kali-version-buang-tabiat. rest in peace to all my money spent on food this month.
18 hours fasting from 3am-9pm is no joke but i'm not dying. As long as aku terdampar bak ikan paus, i iz fine. Tapi kalau aku ada essay submission, kena buat after sahur masa tengah kenyang hahah kalau tak memang ke laut china selatan. But everytime kawan non-muslim aku tanya tak penat ke puasa, tak lapar ke, "if i were you im sure i'll die" comments that I got, I just replied with my grumbling stomach *muka seposen* I'm type of person who alwaaaaaays eat and never skip any meal, so definitely 100% dotcomdotmy aku lapar! 😂 But that's the point of puasa kan untuk rasa apa yang orang tak berkemampuan rasa so kita lebih bersyukur

WOW GITU SISTUR #sistry #tutupmajliskita #dengantasbihkafarah #surahalasr
Now let's pray syadin lose weight instead of gaining this ramadhan and syawal. I just have 2 months left before going back to malaysia and all makcik pakcik tokyah tokyem will definitely say "wah eera nampak makin sihat" if they see me now (as if aku tak faham "sihat" tu apa maksudnya 😠)
Alhamdulillah for the result, another 3 years!
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